Are you sick and tired? Burdened by fear and sadness?
Energy healing can help you resolve the emotional pain that destroys health and relationships.
Are You Experiencing Anxiety and Depression?

It’s the middle of the night and you’re staring up at the ceiling. Anguished, engulfed in darkness, you feel like you’re coming untethered. Floating off the earth. Alone and afraid. Dwelling on past hurts from your family or a bad breakup, or worrying you’ll end up with nothing and no one.
Or perhaps you’re oversleeping, instead. Too weighted down by emotional pain to do things you know would be good for you, like making that call, or meeting a friend for dinner. You've put off responding to your client's email and that's causing even more anxiety.
Are You Having Relationship Challenges?
Maybe you feel like you’re not good enough. Uncomfortable in your own skin. It’s hard to let down the walls and trust.
You long for healthy, intimate relationships with friends and a partner but when you’re talking to people, self doubt has you second guessing every word you say. You’re not being your authentic self.
You might have trouble speaking up, whether it’s about a relationship issue, or something small like choosing a restaurant. You may feel taken advantage of. Your daughter still hasn’t paid back the money you loaned her. When someone asks you to volunteer you say “yes” when you want to say “no”.
Maybe you’re being reactive. Speaking harshly to your employees or spouse, then feeling bad about yourself.
Or perhaps you've been in an unhealthy relationship and you sure as heck don’t want to attract another one.
Do You Feel Like You're Existing, Not Living?
You may be an accomplished professional, but not feel like you’re living up to your potential. You're outwardly successful - you're respected by your peers, you have a wonderful family, you're living a comfortable lifestyle with nice possessions - but you're unhappy with your life. You feel like you’re surviving, not thriving.
Just doing what's in front of you. Getting through the day. Going to work, coming home, having dinner, watching TV. Instead of pursuing your goals and passions, perhaps you're just going through the motions.
Your home isn't filthy, but it's cluttered. Closets full of clothes with the tags still on them, unfinished craft projects.
You may have said something like “I’m wasting my life!” or "I don't want to die alone."
Maybe you feel like time is running out. You’ve already lost too much time not fully living.
Or you're pushing yourself relentlessly. Feeling like you need to accomplish more tasks or make more money. You want off the hamster wheel.
Do you just want to stop feeling the way you feel?
Energy Healing Responds to Your Unique Situation.
It Gets to the Core and Resolves Issues Quickly.
Be confident and comfortable in your own skin
Be your authentic self and relate more easily to others
Speak your truth - set boundaries, express affection to friends and partners or let them know when your feelings are hurt
Stop people pleasing and putting others' needs ahead of your own
Peace in your heart - calmer, less reactive, even when someone ignores or criticizes you
Tap Your Inner Power, Regain Your Self Worth, Feel Good About Who You Are
Lasting heart connected relationships with friends and significant others
Sleep soundly through the night
Vibrant health that lets you hike Machu Picchu or play with your grandchildren
Energy to achieve goals and pursue passions like starting a business, learning to sail, or asking someone for a date
Make decisions like whether to accept a promotion or who to date with clarity and confidence
"Before working with Jane, I was feeling a lot of overwhelm and stress. After, I felt lighter - like I can better handle the situation before me." - Grace Rosales
Hi, I'm Jane St. Croix Ireland.
I’ve been doing intuitive energy healing for over seventeen years. I’ve helped hundreds of people heal their emotions and find peace and confidence. This has resulted in better health, improved relationships, and goals achieved.
Thirty years ago, I dove headlong into my spiritual practice seeking physical and emotional healing and a closer connection to the Divine. My practice took me beyond the limitations of body and body and mind and led to a life altering mystical experience.
That experience catapulted me along my healing path and opened a whole new level of perception. I started seeing auras, perceiving energies, and receiving guidance from Divine Spirit. I now use these abilities to help others. Click here to read more about me and my story.
"Jane has the ability to free one’s body of subconscious energy blocks, leading to greater health, happiness and life purpose. It’s truly a miraculous process that everyone needs to experience." -Ben Mundy